I love eccentricities that are grounded in humor.
Bushyshrub/ Electricpop/ Dajayjay/ Kitty/

Posted on: 11.29.2012 @ 10:19 PM |

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Trying Japanese Once Again

My room, during the afternoons, mimic the internal temperature of a brick oven (yes, there might have been some exaggeration but my skin feels otherwise). Then, a brilliant idea popped into my head. My parents' room once had these bamboo blinds hanged in their windows. When our rooms were repainted, they had to go but with the process of uninstalling it, the mechanical rollers were broken/went missing; ergo, making the storage room their permanent home...until now.

They are currently in my room, semi-rolled so that an ample amount of natural lighting can still enter my room; not to mention the need for natural ventilation.

In the pictures, this part of my room seems darker than the rest, but I assure you, it's not. Actually, the excess glare was reduced to a significant amount which makes me work without too much annoying distractions.

Can you see the white rope? Due to the lack of mechanical rollers/pulley, I have to make do with tying it to the blinds. Thanks to this, I feel a bit more pretentious Japanese. hoho~


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